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And it begins...

Hello, and welcome to our blog! We've decided to throw this together with the aim of trying to help others learn from the numerous mistakes we've made, and will continue making along our own journey in property investment. We're just two ordinary guys trying to make a go of things, so feel this could benefit those who may be new to this property lark also, or even those still just thinking of dipping their toes into property investment. There is a shed load of information out there, some good, some bad, but we're aiming to provide an honest account of our own experiences each week, as we look to expand and continually manage our own existing portfolio.

We're by no means experts, we're certainly not loaded, but we're keen to change our own & our families lives for the better, whilst also providing a better standard of rental property for anyone who wishes to live within the rental homes we'll provide. Our wish is to have happy, long staying tenants. Ones who love our homes so much they recommend our properties to their friends and families. We feel that the best way to do this is to provide an end product that sets us apart from the rest of the crowd.

We're going to try to show that it isn't really that hard to do, if we can do it, anyone can. You just need a little bit of knowledge, the ability to roll with punches, and a desire to achieve just a little bit more than you have at the moment.

Hopefully, someone out there will find something in this which will help them take that first step, save them a few quid in fees or at least have a laugh at our expense. If all else fails, at least we'll have something to look back on and be proud of what we've achieved, and that all that hard work did, one day, eventually pay off!

My first tip, and my friends will all roll their eyes at this point, is buy & read (obviously!)

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad"


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